Why you’re better off knowing blackhat SEO

Came across a (seemingly) whitehat SEO site recently that had a list of ALL sites owned by its owner – who claims to be an SEO consultant. Just how funny is that? I didn’t take the time to see his other sites but something tells me they could be all interlinked. Moreover, he had his clients’ sites listed on the same site in the same long list. Doh – linkfarm yourself like it’s 1998!

Now, a blackhat SEO would have never done anything like that. First, we don’t want Google identify all of our sites alltogether and ban them all simultaneously. Second, we don’t want other SEOs to see all our niches and increase the level of competition. Lastly, we’re just paranoid by nature – but in this business, it’s a good thing.

Does it take a practicing blackhat SEO to understand stuff like that? – Probably not, it’s all pretty much common sense. Do blackhats never do anything foolish? – Far from truth. But seems like sometimes those whitehats forget the common sense.

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