Black hat SEO tool reviews

I have been approached by a number of people asking me if I can “spread the word” about their tools if they offer them to me for free. This issue is especially itchy for those tool developers since spam advertising on syndk8 forums is strictly prohibited – the forums are maintained through paid advertising we offer those wishing to display their products in front of a large highly targeted audience that syndk8 members are. However, I thought about all this and decided to come up with this offer. I can review the black hat tools you want to introduce to our community and post my reviews on this blog that is part of the syndk8 web site and is read by many community members as well as other people that come from elsewhere. But bear in mind that I won’t endorse these tools unless I find something really unique and useful about them.

If you’re interested in this offer and wish to discuss the details contact me either through comments here or by emailing irishwonder at irishwonder dot com.

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