Intelligent Comment Spam

If only those spamming this blog ever read it. They could have been more effective (not necessarily here but in most other places).

Some time ago I came across this post in Aaron Wall’s SEO Bookblog pointing at this thread at SEW discussing content exchange as opposed to the oldschool link exchange. Since the last Google update(s) renderign reciprocal linking totally useless, webmasters and SEOs all over the web have been trying to find a better solution and this one indeed seems like one.

Content exchange on blogs has existed since the advent of blogs. It is called comments. You contribute a useful/insightful/witty comment and in return you get to display your signature link on the blog that you comment on. But try taking the easy route by posting irrelevant crap only designed to insert your links, and all you get is pissed off blog owners and your comment spam modded out.

When people started using blogs for marketing, it gave rise to comment spam increase. On one hand, there is manual comment spam that already constitutes quite a problem (check this Threadwatch thread for a discussion of one of such cases). On the other hand, there are automated ways of comment spamming which are much worse due to the volume. Take some button clicking script kiddie who thinks he’s a big bad black hat but totally lacks creativity and imagination and you have half the Blogosphere pissed off. This is totally ineffective of course. These spammy comments only stand a chance to remain intact on dead blogs, thus achieving nothing.

If you want your links to stay where you drop them use some imagination. First, do some topical research for posts on blogs that match the same topic as what you are going to comment spam for. By doing this search, you achieve two goals:

1. You get topically relevant posts;
2. You get live and most likely frequently spidered blogs.

Then, design your comment. Take the time to do it carefully. It should be more or less general but still relevant to the posts in the blogs you’ve found. The more URLs you want to cover in one run, the more difficult it is to achieve this…

This strategy is probably not really universal as there will always be people to lazy to work it out properly, or there are spammier industries out there where most blogs are automated spam blogs – but there there’s no need for tricks like this as those blogs are never moderated anyway and the comemnts there are eitehr published right away or not published at all. But for less spam-dependent topics this, if done properly, can definitely improve te overall picture 😉

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