Yahoo! Site Explorer Launched

Yahoo! has launched its new tool named Site Explorer. Here’s what Yahoo itself says about it:

What is Yahoo! Site Explorer?
The Yahoo! search database contains detailed information about the structure of the web. In addition to the web pages themselves, the database stores information about links among pages, and uses that information (as well as additional algorithms) to gauge the popularity of a given page.

Site Explorer gives you access to this information so you can learn about a site. To explore a site, you submit a URL using a search box, just as you would for a normal web search. You can then click links on the results page to see detailed information.

Basically, you get to see the site pages indexed by Yahoo and the site’s inbound links. The results can also be exported into a tab-delimited file.

Yahoo also provides APIs for this new feature, which makes it more useful for applications designed for retrieving site-specific data from Yahoo. Otherwise, I haven’t seen anything really astonishing that couldn’t be achieved previously with site: and link: searches, though there have been reports that the inbound links displayed by Site Explorer are more accurate.

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