Google blog search launched

Just saw a report on Threadwatch about the launch of a blog searching service by Google. Google is only catching up with the existing services as it’s not anything new – Technorati, Feedster and others have been doign this for ages though they were specifically targettign blog indexing and search and nothing else.

Now, since this is Google, the question is how this new service will affect general SERPs. One would guess it might be more effective now to use blogs to promote your site. Maybe, maybe not. These two may be not related to each other in anyway and getting your blog searched through this service might have nothing to do with your site gettign indexed. The mechanism Google uses for this new service and its effect on site indexing still has to be researched. On the bright side though,

Google defines blogs as sites that use RSS and other structured feeds and update content on a regular basis.

– which means if a site has an RSS feed it can also benefit from the new service.

Another question that I can’t help wondering about is the RSS feed for the search results Google makes available. With the many uses it can have, the only question is whether Google will not oppose people using it for anything other that their “personal use”, like with Alerts and grumbling about people creating solutions to pull a feed out of SERPs.

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